Compares the output string to the reference string by character
except parts marked with one of the following special sequences:
$n$ = numbers (e.g. compiler generated unique identifiers)
$p:<path>$ = real paths ending with <path>
$?:<choices>$ = environment dependent content supplied as a list
choices (either <condition>=<content> or <default>),
separated by a '|'. Currently supported conditions are
OS and model as supplied from the environment
Compares the output string to the reference string by character except parts marked with one of the following special sequences:
$n$ = numbers (e.g. compiler generated unique identifiers) $p:<path>$ = real paths ending with <path> $?:<choices>$ = environment dependent content supplied as a list choices (either <condition>=<content> or <default>), separated by a '|'. Currently supported conditions are OS and model as supplied from the environment