1 /// Wrapper which accepts DM lib.exe command-line syntax
2 /// and passes the transformed options to a MSVC lib.exe.
3 module msvc_lib;
5 import std.algorithm.searching;
6 import std.array;
7 import std.file;
8 import std.path;
9 import std.process;
10 import std.stdio;
12 int main(string[] args)
13 {
14     auto lib = environment.get("MSVC_AR",
15         environment.get("VCINSTALLDIR", `\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\`)
16             .buildPath("bin", "amd64", "lib.exe"));
17     string[] newArgs = [lib];
18     newArgs ~= "/NOLOGO";
20     foreach (arg; args[1..$])
21     {
22         switch (arg)
23         {
24             case "-n": // "do not create backup file"
25             case "-c": // "create"
26                 break;
27             default:
28                 if (arg.startsWith("-p")) // "set page size to nnn (a power of 2)"
29                     continue;
30                 if (arg.endsWith(".lib"))
31                     newArgs ~= "/OUT:" ~ arg;
32                 else
33                     newArgs ~= arg;
34                 break;
35         }
36     }
37     stderr.writeln(escapeShellCommand(newArgs));
38     return spawnProcess(newArgs).wait();
39 }