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  1. class Obj
    extern (C++) nothrow
    class Obj {}
  2. class Obj


Static functions

void _alias(const(char)* n1, const(char)* n2)
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void _byte(int seg, targ_size_t offset, uint _byte)
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void _import(elem* e)
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uint addScnhdr(const(char)* scnhdr_name, uint flags)
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void addrel(int seg, targ_size_t offset, Symbol* targsym, uint targseg, int rtype, int val)
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bool allowZeroSize()
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uint bytes(int seg, targ_size_t offset, uint nbytes, void* p)
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int codeseg(char* name, int suffix)
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int comdat(Symbol* s)
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int comdatsize(Symbol* s, targ_size_t symsize)
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int common_block(Symbol* s, targ_size_t size, targ_size_t count)
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int common_block(Symbol* s, int flag, targ_size_t size, targ_size_t count)
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void compiler()
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int data_readonly(char* p, int len, int* pseg)
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int data_readonly(char* p, int len)
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int data_start(Symbol* sdata, targ_size_t datasize, int seg)
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void dosseg()
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void ehsections()
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void ehtables(Symbol* sfunc, uint size, Symbol* ehsym)
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void exestr(const(char)* p)
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void export_symbol(Symbol* s, uint argsize)
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int external(Symbol* s)
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int external_def(const(char)* name)
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void far16thunk(Symbol* s)
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int fardata(char* name, targ_size_t size, targ_size_t* poffset)
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void fltused()
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void func_start(Symbol* sfunc)
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void func_term(Symbol* sfunc)
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int getsegment(const(char)* sectname, uint flags)
int getsegment2(uint shtidx)
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void gotref(Symbol* s)
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bool includelib(const(char)* name)
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Obj init(Outbuffer* objbuf, const(char)* filename, const(char)* csegname)
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void initfile(const(char)* filename, const(char)* csegname, const(char)* modname)
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int jmpTableSegment(Symbol* s)
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void ledata(int seg, targ_size_t offset, targ_size_t data, uint lcfd, uint idx1, uint idx2)
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void lidata(int seg, targ_size_t offset, targ_size_t count)
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bool linkerdirective(const(char)* p)
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void linnum(Srcpos srcpos, int seg, targ_size_t offset)
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void lzext(Symbol* s1, Symbol* s2)
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size_t mangle(Symbol* s, char* dest)
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void moduleinfo(Symbol* scc)
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void pubdef(int seg, Symbol* s, targ_size_t offset)
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void pubdefsize(int seg, Symbol* s, targ_size_t offset, targ_size_t symsize)
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int readonly_comdat(Symbol* s)
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void reftocodeseg(int seg, targ_size_t offset, targ_size_t val)
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void reftodatseg(int seg, targ_size_t offset, targ_size_t val, uint targetdatum, int flags)
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void reftofarseg(int seg, targ_size_t offset, targ_size_t val, int farseg, int flags)
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int reftoident(int seg, targ_size_t offset, Symbol* s, targ_size_t val, int flags)
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int seg_debugS()
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int seg_debugS_comdat(Symbol* sfunc)
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int seg_debugT()
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int seg_drectve()
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int seg_pdata()
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int seg_pdata_comdat(Symbol* sfunc)
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int seg_xdata()
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int seg_xdata_comdat(Symbol* sfunc)
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void segment_group(targ_size_t codesize, targ_size_t datasize, targ_size_t cdatasize, targ_size_t udatasize)
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void setModuleCtorDtor(Symbol* s, bool isCtor)
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void setcodeseg(int seg)
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void startaddress(Symbol* s)
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void staticctor(Symbol* s, int dtor, int seg)
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void staticdtor(Symbol* s)
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int string_literal_segment(uint sz)
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Symbol* sym_cdata(tym_t ty, char* p, int len)
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void term(const(char)* objfilename)
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void termfile()
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void theadr(const(char)* modname)
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seg_data* tlsseg()
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seg_data* tlsseg_bss()
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seg_data* tlsseg_data()
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Symbol* tlv_bootstrap()
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void user(const(char)* p)
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void wkext(Symbol* s1, Symbol* s2)
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void write_byte(seg_data* pseg, uint _byte)
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void write_bytes(seg_data* pseg, uint nbytes, void* p)
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void write_long(int seg, targ_size_t offset, uint data, uint lcfd, uint idx1, uint idx2)
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void write_pointerRef(Symbol* s, uint off)
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void write_zeros(seg_data* pseg, targ_size_t count)
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