1 /**
2  * Compiler implementation of the
3  * $(LINK2 http://www.dlang.org, D programming language).
4  *
5  * Copyright:   Copyright (C) 1985-1998 by Symantec
6  *              Copyright (C) 2000-2020 by The D Language Foundation, All Rights Reserved
7  * Authors:     $(LINK2 http://www.digitalmars.com, Walter Bright)
8  * License:     $(LINK2 http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt, Boost License 1.0)
9  * Source:      $(LINK2 https://github.com/dlang/dmd/blob/master/src/dmd/backend/var.d, backend/var.d)
10  */
12 module dmd.backend.var;
14 /* Global variables for PARSER  */
16 import core.stdc.stdio;
18 import dmd.backend.cc;
19 import dmd.backend.cdef;
20 import dmd.backend.code;
21 import dmd.backend.dlist;
22 import dmd.backend.goh;
23 import dmd.backend.obj;
24 import dmd.backend.oper;
25 import dmd.backend.symtab;
26 import dmd.backend.ty;
27 import dmd.backend.type;
29 version (SPP)
30 {
31     import parser;
32     import phstring;
33 }
34 version (SCPP)
35 {
36     import parser;
37     import phstring;
38 }
39 version (HTOD)
40 {
41     import parser;
42     import phstring;
43 }
45 extern (C++):
47 nothrow:
49 __gshared:
51 /* Global flags:
52  */
54 char PARSER = 0;                    // indicate we're in the parser
55 char OPTIMIZER = 0;                 // indicate we're in the optimizer
56 int structalign;                /* alignment for members of structures  */
57 char dbcs = 0;                      // current double byte character set
59 int TYptrdiff = TYint;
60 int TYsize = TYuint;
61 int TYsize_t = TYuint;
62 int TYaarray = TYnptr;
63 int TYdelegate = TYllong;
64 int TYdarray = TYullong;
66 char debuga=0,debugb=0,debugc=0,debugd=0,debuge=0,debugf=0,debugr=0,debugs=0,debugt=0,debugu=0,debugw=0,debugx=0,debugy=0;
68 version (MARS) { } else
69 {
70 linkage_t linkage;
71 int linkage_spec = 0;           /* using the default                    */
73 /* Function types       */
74 /* LINK_MAXDIM = C,C++,Pascal,FORTRAN,syscall,stdcall,Mars */
75 static if (MEMMODELS == 1)
76 {
77 tym_t[LINK_MAXDIM] functypetab =
78 [
79     TYnfunc,
80     TYnpfunc,
81     TYnpfunc,
82     TYnfunc,
83 ];
84 }
85 else
86 {
87 tym_t[MEMMODELS][LINK_MAXDIM] functypetab =
88 [
89     [ TYnfunc,  TYffunc,  TYnfunc,  TYffunc,  TYffunc  ],
90     [ TYnfunc,  TYffunc,  TYnfunc,  TYffunc,  TYffunc  ],
91     [ TYnpfunc, TYfpfunc, TYnpfunc, TYfpfunc, TYfpfunc ],
92     [ TYnpfunc, TYfpfunc, TYnpfunc, TYfpfunc, TYfpfunc ],
93     [ TYnfunc,  TYffunc,  TYnfunc,  TYffunc,  TYffunc  ],
94     [ TYnsfunc, TYfsfunc, TYnsfunc, TYfsfunc, TYfsfunc ],
95     [ TYjfunc,  TYfpfunc, TYnpfunc, TYfpfunc, TYfpfunc ],
96 ];
97 }
99 /* Function mangling    */
100 /* LINK_MAXDIM = C,C++,Pascal,FORTRAN,syscall,stdcall */
101 mangle_t[LINK_MAXDIM] funcmangletab =
102 [
103     mTYman_c,
104     mTYman_cpp,
105     mTYman_pas,
106     mTYman_for,
107     mTYman_sys,
108     mTYman_std,
109     mTYman_d,
110 ];
112 /* Name mangling for global variables   */
113 mangle_t[LINK_MAXDIM] varmangletab =
114 [
115     mTYman_c,
116     mTYman_cpp,
117     mTYman_pas,mTYman_for,mTYman_sys,mTYman_std,mTYman_d
118 ];
119 }
121 /* File variables: */
123 char *argv0;                    // argv[0] (program name)
124 extern (C)
125 {
126 FILE *fdep = null;              // dependency file stream pointer
127 FILE *flst = null;              // list file stream pointer
128 FILE *fin = null;               // input file
129 version (SPP)
130 {
131 FILE *fout;
132 }
133 }
135 // htod
136 char *fdmodulename = null;
137 extern (C) FILE *fdmodule = null;
139 char*   foutdir = null,       // directory to place output files in
140         finname = null,
141         foutname = null,
142         fsymname = null,
143         fphreadname = null,
144         ftdbname = null,
145         fdepname = null,
146         flstname = null;       /* the filename strings                 */
148 version (SPP)
149 {
150     phstring_t fdeplist;
151     phstring_t pathlist;            // include paths
152 }
153 version (SCPP)
154 {
155     phstring_t fdeplist;
156     phstring_t pathlist;            // include paths
157 }
158 version (HTOD)
159 {
160     phstring_t fdeplist;
161     phstring_t pathlist;            // include paths
162 }
164 int pathsysi;                   // -isystem= index
165 list_t headers;                 /* pre-include files                    */
167 /* Data from lexical analyzer: */
169 uint idhash = 0;    // hash value of identifier
170 int xc = ' ';           // character last read
172 /* Data for pragma processor:
173  */
175 int colnumber = 0;              /* current column number                */
177 /* Other variables: */
179 int level = 0;                  /* declaration level                    */
180                                 /* 0: top level                         */
181                                 /* 1: function parameter declarations   */
182                                 /* 2: function local declarations       */
183                                 /* 3+: compound statement decls         */
185 param_t *paramlst = null;       /* function parameter list              */
186 tym_t pointertype = TYnptr;     /* default data pointer type            */
188 /* From util.c */
190 /*****************************
191  * SCxxxx types.
192  */
194 version (SPP) { } else
195 {
197 char[SCMAX] sytab =
198 [
199     /* unde */     SCEXP|SCKEP|SCSCT,      /* undefined                            */
200     /* auto */     SCEXP|SCSS|SCRD  ,      /* automatic (stack)                    */
201     /* static */   SCEXP|SCKEP|SCSCT,      /* statically allocated                 */
202     /* thread */   SCEXP|SCKEP      ,      /* thread local                         */
203     /* extern */   SCEXP|SCKEP|SCSCT,      /* external                             */
204     /* register */ SCEXP|SCSS|SCRD  ,      /* registered variable                  */
205     /* pseudo */   SCEXP            ,      /* pseudo register variable             */
206     /* global */   SCEXP|SCKEP|SCSCT,      /* top level global definition          */
207     /* comdat */   SCEXP|SCKEP|SCSCT,      /* initialized common block             */
208     /* parameter */SCEXP|SCSS       ,      /* function parameter                   */
209     /* regpar */   SCEXP|SCSS       ,      /* function register parameter          */
210     /* fastpar */  SCEXP|SCSS       ,      /* function parameter passed in register */
211     /* shadowreg */SCEXP|SCSS       ,      /* function parameter passed in register, shadowed on stack */
212     /* typedef */  0                ,      /* type definition                      */
213     /* explicit */ 0                ,      /* explicit                             */
214     /* mutable */  0                ,      /* mutable                              */
215     /* label */    0                ,      /* goto label                           */
216     /* struct */   SCKEP            ,      /* struct/class/union tag name          */
217     /* enum */     0                ,      /* enum tag name                        */
218     /* field */    SCEXP|SCKEP      ,      /* bit field of struct or union         */
219     /* const */    SCEXP|SCSCT      ,      /* constant integer                     */
220     /* member */   SCEXP|SCKEP|SCSCT,      /* member of struct or union            */
221     /* anon */     0                ,      /* member of anonymous union            */
222     /* inline */   SCEXP|SCKEP      ,      /* for inline functions                 */
223     /* sinline */  SCEXP|SCKEP      ,      /* for static inline functions          */
224     /* einline */  SCEXP|SCKEP      ,      /* for extern inline functions          */
225     /* overload */ SCEXP            ,      /* for overloaded function names        */
226     /* friend */   0                ,      /* friend of a class                    */
227     /* virtual */  0                ,      /* virtual function                     */
228     /* locstat */  SCEXP|SCSCT      ,      /* static, but local to a function      */
229     /* template */ 0                ,      /* class template                       */
230     /* functempl */0                ,      /* function template                    */
231     /* ftexpspec */0                ,      /* function template explicit specialization */
232     /* linkage */  0                ,      /* function linkage symbol              */
233     /* public */   SCEXP|SCKEP|SCSCT,      /* generate a pubdef for this           */
234     /* comdef */   SCEXP|SCKEP|SCSCT,      /* uninitialized common block           */
235     /* bprel */    SCEXP|SCSS       ,      /* variable at fixed offset from frame pointer */
236     /* namespace */0                ,      /* namespace                            */
237     /* alias */    0                ,      /* alias to another symbol              */
238     /* funcalias */0                ,      /* alias to another function symbol     */
239     /* memalias */ 0                ,      /* alias to base class member           */
240     /* stack */    SCEXP|SCSS       ,      /* offset from stack pointer (not frame pointer) */
241     /* adl */      0                ,      /* list of ADL symbols for overloading  */
242 ];
244 }
246 extern (C) int controlc_saw = 0;              /* a control C was seen         */
247 symtab_t globsym;               /* global symbol table                  */
248 Pstate pstate;                  // parser state
249 Cstate cstate;                  // compiler state
251 uint numcse;        // number of common subexpressions
253 GlobalOptimizer go;
255 /* From debug.c */
256 const(char)*[32] regstring = ["AX","CX","DX","BX","SP","BP","SI","DI",
257                              "R8","R9","R10","R11","R12","R13","R14","R15",
258                              "XMM0","XMM1","XMM2","XMM3","XMM4","XMM5","XMM6","XMM7",
259                              "ES","PSW","STACK","ST0","ST01","NOREG","RMload","RMstore"];
261 /* From nwc.c */
263 type *chartype;                 /* default 'char' type                  */
265 Obj objmod = null;
267 __gshared uint[256] tytab =
268 () {
269     uint[256] tab;
270     foreach (i; TXptr)        { tab[i] |= TYFLptr; }
271     foreach (i; TXptr_nflat)  { tab[i] |= TYFLptr; }
272     foreach (i; TXreal)       { tab[i] |= TYFLreal; }
273     foreach (i; TXintegral)   { tab[i] |= TYFLintegral; }
274     foreach (i; TXimaginary)  { tab[i] |= TYFLimaginary; }
275     foreach (i; TXcomplex)    { tab[i] |= TYFLcomplex; }
276     foreach (i; TXuns)        { tab[i] |= TYFLuns; }
277     foreach (i; TXmptr)       { tab[i] |= TYFLmptr; }
278     foreach (i; TXfv)         { tab[i] |= TYFLfv; }
279     foreach (i; TXfarfunc)    { tab[i] |= TYFLfarfunc; }
280     foreach (i; TXpasfunc)    { tab[i] |= TYFLpascal; }
281     foreach (i; TXrevfunc)    { tab[i] |= TYFLrevparam; }
282     foreach (i; TXshort)      { tab[i] |= TYFLshort; }
283     foreach (i; TXaggregate)  { tab[i] |= TYFLaggregate; }
284     foreach (i; TXref)        { tab[i] |= TYFLref; }
285     foreach (i; TXfunc)       { tab[i] |= TYFLfunc; }
286     foreach (i; TXnullptr)    { tab[i] |= TYFLnullptr; }
287     foreach (i; TXpasfunc_nf) { tab[i] |= TYFLpascal; }
288     foreach (i; TXrevfunc_nf) { tab[i] |= TYFLrevparam; }
289     foreach (i; TXref_nflat)  { tab[i] |= TYFLref; }
290     foreach (i; TXfunc_nflat) { tab[i] |= TYFLfunc; }
291     foreach (i; TXxmmreg)     { tab[i] |= TYFLxmmreg; }
292     foreach (i; TXsimd)       { tab[i] |= TYFLsimd; }
293     return tab;
294 } ();
297 extern (C) __gshared const(char)*[TYMAX] tystring =
298 [
299     TYbool    : "bool",
300     TYchar    : "char",
301     TYschar   : "signed char",
302     TYuchar   : "unsigned char",
303     TYchar8   : "char8_t",
304     TYchar16  : "char16_t",
305     TYshort   : "short",
306     TYwchar_t : "wchar_t",
307     TYushort  : "unsigned short",
309     TYenum    : "enum",
310     TYint     : "int",
311     TYuint    : "unsigned",
313     TYlong    : "long",
314     TYulong   : "unsigned long",
315     TYdchar   : "dchar",
316     TYllong   : "long long",
317     TYullong  : "uns long long",
318     TYcent    : "cent",
319     TYucent   : "ucent",
320     TYfloat   : "float",
321     TYdouble  : "double",
322     TYdouble_alias : "double alias",
323     TYldouble : "long double",
325     TYifloat   : "imaginary float",
326     TYidouble  : "imaginary double",
327     TYildouble : "imaginary long double",
329     TYcfloat   : "complex float",
330     TYcdouble  : "complex double",
331     TYcldouble : "complex long double",
333     TYfloat4  : "float[4]",
334     TYdouble2 : "double[2]",
335     TYschar16 : "signed char[16]",
336     TYuchar16 : "unsigned char[16]",
337     TYshort8  : "short[8]",
338     TYushort8 : "unsigned short[8]",
339     TYlong4   : "long[4]",
340     TYulong4  : "unsigned long[4]",
341     TYllong2  : "long long[2]",
342     TYullong2 : "unsigned long long[2]",
344     TYfloat8  : "float[8]",
345     TYdouble4 : "double[4]",
346     TYschar32 : "signed char[32]",
347     TYuchar32 : "unsigned char[32]",
348     TYshort16 : "short[16]",
349     TYushort16 : "unsigned short[16]",
350     TYlong8   : "long[8]",
351     TYulong8  : "unsigned long[8]",
352     TYllong4  : "long long[4]",
353     TYullong4 : "unsigned long long[4]",
355     TYfloat16 : "float[16]",
356     TYdouble8 : "double[8]",
357     TYschar64 : "signed char[64]",
358     TYuchar64 : "unsigned char[64]",
359     TYshort32 : "short[32]",
360     TYushort32 : "unsigned short[32]",
361     TYlong16  : "long[16]",
362     TYulong16 : "unsigned long[16]",
363     TYllong8  : "long long[8]",
364     TYullong8 : "unsigned long long[8]",
366     TYnullptr : "nullptr_t",
367     TYnptr    : "*",
368     TYref     : "&",
369     TYvoid    : "void",
370     TYstruct  : "struct",
371     TYarray   : "array",
372     TYnfunc   : "C func",
373     TYnpfunc  : "Pascal func",
374     TYnsfunc  : "std func",
375     TYptr     : "*",
376     TYmfunc   : "member func",
377     TYjfunc   : "D func",
378     TYhfunc   : "C func",
379     TYnref    : "__near &",
381     TYsptr     : "__ss *",
382     TYcptr     : "__cs *",
383     TYf16ptr   : "__far16 *",
384     TYfptr     : "__far *",
385     TYhptr     : "__huge *",
386     TYvptr     : "__handle *",
387     TYimmutPtr : "__immutable *",
388     TYsharePtr : "__shared *",
389     TYrestrictPtr : "__restrict *",
390     TYfgPtr    : "__fg *",
391     TYffunc    : "far C func",
392     TYfpfunc   : "far Pascal func",
393     TYfsfunc   : "far std func",
394     TYf16func  : "_far16 Pascal func",
395     TYnsysfunc : "sys func",
396     TYfsysfunc : "far sys func",
397     TYfref     : "__far &",
399     TYifunc    : "interrupt func",
400     TYmemptr   : "memptr",
401     TYident    : "ident",
402     TYtemplate : "template",
403     TYvtshape  : "vtshape",
404 ];
406 /// Map to unsigned version of type
407 __gshared tym_t[256] tytouns =
408 () {
409     tym_t[256] tab;
410     foreach (ty; 0 .. TYMAX)
411     {
412         tym_t tym;
413         switch (ty)
414         {
415             case TYchar:      tym = TYuchar;    break;
416             case TYschar:     tym = TYuchar;    break;
417             case TYshort:     tym = TYushort;   break;
418             case TYushort:    tym = TYushort;   break;
420             case TYenum:      tym = TYuint;     break;
421             case TYint:       tym = TYuint;     break;
423             case TYlong:      tym = TYulong;    break;
424             case TYllong:     tym = TYullong;   break;
425             case TYcent:      tym = TYucent;    break;
427             case TYschar16:   tym = TYuchar16;  break;
428             case TYshort8:    tym = TYushort8;  break;
429             case TYlong4:     tym = TYulong4;   break;
430             case TYllong2:    tym = TYullong2;  break;
432             case TYschar32:   tym = TYuchar32;  break;
433             case TYshort16:   tym = TYushort16; break;
434             case TYlong8:     tym = TYulong8;   break;
435             case TYllong4:    tym = TYullong4;  break;
437             case TYschar64:   tym = TYuchar64;  break;
438             case TYshort32:   tym = TYushort32; break;
439             case TYlong16:    tym = TYulong16;  break;
440             case TYllong8:    tym = TYullong8;  break;
442             default:          tym = ty;         break;
443         }
444         tab[ty] = tym;
445     }
446     return tab;
447 } ();
449 /// Map to relaxed version of type
450 __gshared ubyte[TYMAX] _tyrelax =
451 () {
452     ubyte[TYMAX] tab;
453     foreach (ty; 0 .. TYMAX)
454     {
455         tym_t tym;
456         switch (ty)
457         {
458             case TYbool:      tym = TYchar;  break;
459             case TYschar:     tym = TYchar;  break;
460             case TYuchar:     tym = TYchar;  break;
461             case TYchar8:     tym = TYchar;  break;
462             case TYchar16:    tym = TYint;   break;
464             case TYshort:     tym = TYint;   break;
465             case TYushort:    tym = TYint;   break;
466             case TYwchar_t:   tym = TYint;   break;
468             case TYenum:      tym = TYint;   break;
469             case TYuint:      tym = TYint;   break;
471             case TYulong:     tym = TYlong;  break;
472             case TYdchar:     tym = TYlong;  break;
473             case TYullong:    tym = TYllong; break;
474             case TYucent:     tym = TYcent;  break;
476             case TYnullptr:   tym = TYptr;   break;
478             default:          tym = ty;      break;
479         }
480         tab[ty] = cast(ubyte)tym;
481     }
482     return tab;
483 } ();
485 /// Map to equivalent version of type
486 __gshared ubyte[TYMAX] tyequiv =
487 () {
488     ubyte[TYMAX] tab;
489     foreach (ty; 0 .. TYMAX)
490     {
491         tym_t tym;
492         switch (ty)
493         {
494             case TYchar:      tym = TYschar;  break;    // chars are signed by default
495             case TYint:       tym = TYshort;  break;    // adjusted in util_set32()
496             case TYuint:      tym = TYushort; break;    // adjusted in util_set32()
498             default:          tym = ty;       break;
499         }
500         tab[ty] = cast(ubyte)tym;
501     }
502     return tab;
503 } ();
505 /// Map to Codeview 1 type in debugger record
506 __gshared ubyte[TYMAX] dttab =
507 [
508     TYbool    : 0x80,
509     TYchar    : 0x80,
510     TYschar   : 0x80,
511     TYuchar   : 0x84,
512     TYchar8   : 0x84,
513     TYchar16  : 0x85,
514     TYshort   : 0x81,
515     TYwchar_t : 0x85,
516     TYushort  : 0x85,
518     TYenum    : 0x81,
519     TYint     : 0x85,
520     TYuint    : 0x85,
522     TYlong    : 0x82,
523     TYulong   : 0x86,
524     TYdchar   : 0x86,
525     TYllong   : 0x82,
526     TYullong  : 0x86,
527     TYcent    : 0x82,
528     TYucent   : 0x86,
529     TYfloat   : 0x88,
530     TYdouble  : 0x89,
531     TYdouble_alias : 0x89,
532     TYldouble : 0x89,
534     TYifloat   : 0x88,
535     TYidouble  : 0x89,
536     TYildouble : 0x89,
538     TYcfloat   : 0x88,
539     TYcdouble  : 0x89,
540     TYcldouble : 0x89,
542     TYfloat4  : 0x00,
543     TYdouble2 : 0x00,
544     TYschar16 : 0x00,
545     TYuchar16 : 0x00,
546     TYshort8  : 0x00,
547     TYushort8 : 0x00,
548     TYlong4   : 0x00,
549     TYulong4  : 0x00,
550     TYllong2  : 0x00,
551     TYullong2 : 0x00,
553     TYfloat8  : 0x00,
554     TYdouble4 : 0x00,
555     TYschar32 : 0x00,
556     TYuchar32 : 0x00,
557     TYshort16 : 0x00,
558     TYushort16 : 0x00,
559     TYlong8   : 0x00,
560     TYulong8  : 0x00,
561     TYllong4  : 0x00,
562     TYullong4 : 0x00,
564     TYfloat16 : 0x00,
565     TYdouble8 : 0x00,
566     TYschar64 : 0x00,
567     TYuchar64 : 0x00,
568     TYshort32 : 0x00,
569     TYushort32 : 0x00,
570     TYlong16  : 0x00,
571     TYulong16 : 0x00,
572     TYllong8  : 0x00,
573     TYullong8 : 0x00,
575     TYnullptr : 0x20,
576     TYnptr    : 0x20,
577     TYref     : 0x00,
578     TYvoid    : 0x85,
579     TYstruct  : 0x00,
580     TYarray   : 0x78,
581     TYnfunc   : 0x63,
582     TYnpfunc  : 0x74,
583     TYnsfunc  : 0x63,
584     TYptr     : 0x20,
585     TYmfunc   : 0x64,
586     TYjfunc   : 0x74,
587     TYhfunc   : 0x00,
588     TYnref    : 0x00,
590     TYsptr     : 0x20,
591     TYcptr     : 0x20,
592     TYf16ptr   : 0x40,
593     TYfptr     : 0x40,
594     TYhptr     : 0x40,
595     TYvptr     : 0x40,
596     TYimmutPtr : 0x20,
597     TYsharePtr : 0x20,
598     TYrestrictPtr : 0x20,
599     TYfgPtr    : 0x20,
600     TYffunc    : 0x64,
601     TYfpfunc   : 0x73,
602     TYfsfunc   : 0x64,
603     TYf16func  : 0x63,
604     TYnsysfunc : 0x63,
605     TYfsysfunc : 0x64,
606     TYfref     : 0x00,
608     TYifunc    : 0x64,
609     TYmemptr   : 0x00,
610     TYident    : 0x00,
611     TYtemplate : 0x00,
612     TYvtshape  : 0x00,
613 ];
615 /// Map to Codeview 4 type in debugger record
616 __gshared ushort[TYMAX] dttab4 =
617 [
618     TYbool    : 0x30,
619     TYchar    : 0x70,
620     TYschar   : 0x10,
621     TYuchar   : 0x20,
622     TYchar8   : 0x20,
623     TYchar16  : 0x21,
624     TYshort   : 0x11,
625     TYwchar_t : 0x71,
626     TYushort  : 0x21,
628     TYenum    : 0x72,
629     TYint     : 0x72,
630     TYuint    : 0x73,
632     TYlong    : 0x12,
633     TYulong   : 0x22,
634     TYdchar   : 0x7b, // UTF32
635     TYllong   : 0x13,
636     TYullong  : 0x23,
637     TYcent    : 0x603,
638     TYucent   : 0x603,
639     TYfloat   : 0x40,
640     TYdouble  : 0x41,
641     TYdouble_alias : 0x41,
642     TYldouble : 0x42,
644     TYifloat   : 0x40,
645     TYidouble  : 0x41,
646     TYildouble : 0x42,
648     TYcfloat   : 0x50,
649     TYcdouble  : 0x51,
650     TYcldouble : 0x52,
652     TYfloat4  : 0x00,
653     TYdouble2 : 0x00,
654     TYschar16 : 0x00,
655     TYuchar16 : 0x00,
656     TYshort8  : 0x00,
657     TYushort8 : 0x00,
658     TYlong4   : 0x00,
659     TYulong4  : 0x00,
660     TYllong2  : 0x00,
661     TYullong2 : 0x00,
663     TYfloat8  : 0x00,
664     TYdouble4 : 0x00,
665     TYschar32 : 0x00,
666     TYuchar32 : 0x00,
667     TYshort16 : 0x00,
668     TYushort16 : 0x00,
669     TYlong8   : 0x00,
670     TYulong8  : 0x00,
671     TYllong4  : 0x00,
672     TYullong4 : 0x00,
674     TYfloat16 : 0x00,
675     TYdouble8 : 0x00,
676     TYschar64 : 0x00,
677     TYuchar64 : 0x00,
678     TYshort32 : 0x00,
679     TYushort32 : 0x00,
680     TYlong16  : 0x00,
681     TYulong16 : 0x00,
682     TYllong8  : 0x00,
683     TYullong8 : 0x00,
685     TYnullptr : 0x100,
686     TYnptr    : 0x100,
687     TYref     : 0x00,
688     TYvoid    : 0x03,
689     TYstruct  : 0x00,
690     TYarray   : 0x00,
691     TYnfunc   : 0x00,
692     TYnpfunc  : 0x00,
693     TYnsfunc  : 0x00,
694     TYptr     : 0x100,
695     TYmfunc   : 0x00,
696     TYjfunc   : 0x00,
697     TYhfunc   : 0x00,
698     TYnref    : 0x00,
700     TYsptr     : 0x100,
701     TYcptr     : 0x100,
702     TYf16ptr   : 0x200,
703     TYfptr     : 0x200,
704     TYhptr     : 0x300,
705     TYvptr     : 0x200,
706     TYimmutPtr : 0x100,
707     TYsharePtr : 0x100,
708     TYrestrictPtr : 0x100,
709     TYfgPtr    : 0x100,
710     TYffunc    : 0x00,
711     TYfpfunc   : 0x00,
712     TYfsfunc   : 0x00,
713     TYf16func  : 0x00,
714     TYnsysfunc : 0x00,
715     TYfsysfunc : 0x00,
716     TYfref     : 0x00,
718     TYifunc    : 0x00,
719     TYmemptr   : 0x00,
720     TYident    : 0x00,
721     TYtemplate : 0x00,
722     TYvtshape  : 0x00,
723 ];
725 /// Size of a type
726 __gshared byte[256] _tysize =
727 [
728     TYbool    : 1,
729     TYchar    : 1,
730     TYschar   : 1,
731     TYuchar   : 1,
732     TYchar8   : 1,
733     TYchar16  : 2,
734     TYshort   : SHORTSIZE,
735     TYwchar_t : 2,
736     TYushort  : SHORTSIZE,
738     TYenum    : -1,
739     TYint     : 2,
740     TYuint    : 2,
742     TYlong    : LONGSIZE,
743     TYulong   : LONGSIZE,
744     TYdchar   : 4,
745     TYllong   : LLONGSIZE,
746     TYullong  : LLONGSIZE,
747     TYcent    : 16,
748     TYucent   : 16,
749     TYfloat   : FLOATSIZE,
750     TYdouble  : DOUBLESIZE,
751     TYdouble_alias : 8,
752     TYldouble : -1,
754     TYifloat   : FLOATSIZE,
755     TYidouble  : DOUBLESIZE,
756     TYildouble : -1,
758     TYcfloat   : 2*FLOATSIZE,
759     TYcdouble  : 2*DOUBLESIZE,
760     TYcldouble : -1,
762     TYfloat4  : 16,
763     TYdouble2 : 16,
764     TYschar16 : 16,
765     TYuchar16 : 16,
766     TYshort8  : 16,
767     TYushort8 : 16,
768     TYlong4   : 16,
769     TYulong4  : 16,
770     TYllong2  : 16,
771     TYullong2 : 16,
773     TYfloat8  : 32,
774     TYdouble4 : 32,
775     TYschar32 : 32,
776     TYuchar32 : 32,
777     TYshort16 : 32,
778     TYushort16 : 32,
779     TYlong8   : 32,
780     TYulong8  : 32,
781     TYllong4  : 32,
782     TYullong4 : 32,
784     TYfloat16 : 64,
785     TYdouble8 : 64,
786     TYschar64 : 64,
787     TYuchar64 : 64,
788     TYshort32 : 64,
789     TYushort32 : 64,
790     TYlong16  : 64,
791     TYulong16 : 64,
792     TYllong8  : 64,
793     TYullong8 : 64,
795     TYnullptr : 2,
796     TYnptr    : 2,
797     TYref     : -1,
798     TYvoid    : -1,
799     TYstruct  : -1,
800     TYarray   : -1,
801     TYnfunc   : -1,
802     TYnpfunc  : -1,
803     TYnsfunc  : -1,
804     TYptr     : 2,
805     TYmfunc   : -1,
806     TYjfunc   : -1,
807     TYhfunc   : -1,
808     TYnref    : 2,
810     TYsptr     : 2,
811     TYcptr     : 2,
812     TYf16ptr   : 4,
813     TYfptr     : 4,
814     TYhptr     : 4,
815     TYvptr     : 4,
816     TYimmutPtr : 2,
817     TYsharePtr : 2,
818     TYrestrictPtr : 2,
819     TYfgPtr    : 2,
820     TYffunc    : -1,
821     TYfpfunc   : -1,
822     TYfsfunc   : -1,
823     TYf16func  : -1,
824     TYnsysfunc : -1,
825     TYfsysfunc : -1,
826     TYfref     : 4,
828     TYifunc    : -1,
829     TYmemptr   : -1,
830     TYident    : -1,
831     TYtemplate : -1,
832     TYvtshape  : -1,
833 ];
835 // Alignment of long doubles varies by target
836 static if (TARGET_OSX)
837     enum LDOUBLE_ALIGN = 16;
839     enum LDOUBLE_ALIGN = 4;
840 else static if (TARGET_WINDOS)
841     enum LDOUBLE_ALIGN = 2;
842 else
843     static assert(0, "fix this");
846 /// Size of a type to use for alignment
847 __gshared byte[256] _tyalignsize =
848 [
849     TYbool    : 1,
850     TYchar    : 1,
851     TYschar   : 1,
852     TYuchar   : 1,
853     TYchar8   : 1,
854     TYchar16  : 2,
855     TYshort   : SHORTSIZE,
856     TYwchar_t : 2,
857     TYushort  : SHORTSIZE,
859     TYenum    : -1,
860     TYint     : 2,
861     TYuint    : 2,
863     TYlong    : LONGSIZE,
864     TYulong   : LONGSIZE,
865     TYdchar   : 4,
866     TYllong   : LLONGSIZE,
867     TYullong  : LLONGSIZE,
868     TYcent    : 8,
869     TYucent   : 8,
870     TYfloat   : FLOATSIZE,
871     TYdouble  : DOUBLESIZE,
872     TYdouble_alias : 8,
873     TYldouble : LDOUBLE_ALIGN,
875     TYifloat   : FLOATSIZE,
876     TYidouble  : DOUBLESIZE,
877     TYildouble : LDOUBLE_ALIGN,
879     TYcfloat   : 2*FLOATSIZE,
880     TYcdouble  : 2*DOUBLESIZE,
881     TYcldouble : LDOUBLE_ALIGN,
883     TYfloat4  : 16,
884     TYdouble2 : 16,
885     TYschar16 : 16,
886     TYuchar16 : 16,
887     TYshort8  : 16,
888     TYushort8 : 16,
889     TYlong4   : 16,
890     TYulong4  : 16,
891     TYllong2  : 16,
892     TYullong2 : 16,
894     TYfloat8  : 32,
895     TYdouble4 : 32,
896     TYschar32 : 32,
897     TYuchar32 : 32,
898     TYshort16 : 32,
899     TYushort16 : 32,
900     TYlong8   : 32,
901     TYulong8  : 32,
902     TYllong4  : 32,
903     TYullong4 : 32,
905     TYfloat16 : 64,
906     TYdouble8 : 64,
907     TYschar64 : 64,
908     TYuchar64 : 64,
909     TYshort32 : 64,
910     TYushort32 : 64,
911     TYlong16  : 64,
912     TYulong16 : 64,
913     TYllong8  : 64,
914     TYullong8 : 64,
916     TYnullptr : 2,
917     TYnptr    : 2,
918     TYref     : -1,
919     TYvoid    : -1,
920     TYstruct  : -1,
921     TYarray   : -1,
922     TYnfunc   : -1,
923     TYnpfunc  : -1,
924     TYnsfunc  : -1,
925     TYptr     : 2,
926     TYmfunc   : -1,
927     TYjfunc   : -1,
928     TYhfunc   : -1,
929     TYnref    : 2,
931     TYsptr     : 2,
932     TYcptr     : 2,
933     TYf16ptr   : 4,
934     TYfptr     : 4,
935     TYhptr     : 4,
936     TYvptr     : 4,
937     TYimmutPtr : 2,
938     TYsharePtr : 2,
939     TYrestrictPtr : 2,
940     TYfgPtr    : 2,
941     TYffunc    : -1,
942     TYfpfunc   : -1,
943     TYfsfunc   : -1,
944     TYf16func  : -1,
945     TYnsysfunc : -1,
946     TYfsysfunc : -1,
947     TYfref     : 4,
949     TYifunc    : -1,
950     TYmemptr   : -1,
951     TYident    : -1,
952     TYtemplate : -1,
953     TYvtshape  : -1,
954 ];
957 private:
959 enum TXptr       = [ TYnptr ];
960 enum TXptr_nflat = [ TYsptr,TYcptr,TYf16ptr,TYfptr,TYhptr,TYvptr,TYimmutPtr,TYsharePtr,TYrestrictPtr,TYfgPtr ];
961 enum TXreal      = [ TYfloat,TYdouble,TYdouble_alias,TYldouble,
962                      TYfloat4,TYdouble2,
963                      TYfloat8,TYdouble4,
964                      TYfloat16,TYdouble8,
965                    ];
966 enum TXimaginary = [ TYifloat,TYidouble,TYildouble, ];
967 enum TXcomplex   = [ TYcfloat,TYcdouble,TYcldouble, ];
968 enum TXintegral  = [ TYbool,TYchar,TYschar,TYuchar,TYshort,
969                      TYwchar_t,TYushort,TYenum,TYint,TYuint,
970                      TYlong,TYulong,TYllong,TYullong,TYdchar,
971                      TYschar16,TYuchar16,TYshort8,TYushort8,
972                      TYlong4,TYulong4,TYllong2,TYullong2,
973                      TYschar32,TYuchar32,TYshort16,TYushort16,
974                      TYlong8,TYulong8,TYllong4,TYullong4,
975                      TYschar64,TYuchar64,TYshort32,TYushort32,
976                      TYlong16,TYulong16,TYllong8,TYullong8,
977                      TYchar16,TYcent,TYucent,
978                    ];
979 enum TXref       = [ TYnref,TYref ];
980 enum TXfunc      = [ TYnfunc,TYnpfunc,TYnsfunc,TYifunc,TYmfunc,TYjfunc,TYhfunc ];
981 enum TXref_nflat = [ TYfref ];
982 enum TXfunc_nflat= [ TYffunc,TYfpfunc,TYf16func,TYfsfunc,TYnsysfunc,TYfsysfunc, ];
983 enum TXuns       = [ TYuchar,TYushort,TYuint,TYulong,
984                      TYwchar_t,
985                      TYuchar16,TYushort8,TYulong4,TYullong2,
986                      TYdchar,TYullong,TYucent,TYchar16 ];
987 enum TXmptr      = [ TYmemptr ];
988 enum TXnullptr   = [ TYnullptr ];
989 enum TXfv        = [ TYfptr, TYvptr ];
990 enum TXfarfunc   = [ TYffunc,TYfpfunc,TYfsfunc,TYfsysfunc ];
991 enum TXpasfunc   = [ TYnpfunc,TYnsfunc,TYmfunc,TYjfunc ];
992 enum TXpasfunc_nf = [ TYfpfunc,TYf16func,TYfsfunc, ];
993 enum TXrevfunc    = [ TYnpfunc,TYjfunc ];
994 enum TXrevfunc_nf = [ TYfpfunc,TYf16func, ];
995 enum TXshort      = [ TYbool,TYchar,TYschar,TYuchar,TYshort,
996                       TYwchar_t,TYushort,TYchar16 ];
997 enum TXaggregate  = [ TYstruct,TYarray ];
998 enum TXxmmreg     = [
999                      TYfloat,TYdouble,TYifloat,TYidouble,
1000                      //TYcfloat,TYcdouble,
1001                      TYfloat4,TYdouble2,
1002                      TYschar16,TYuchar16,TYshort8,TYushort8,
1003                      TYlong4,TYulong4,TYllong2,TYullong2,
1004                      TYfloat8,TYdouble4,
1005                      TYschar32,TYuchar32,TYshort16,TYushort16,
1006                      TYlong8,TYulong8,TYllong4,TYullong4,
1007                      TYschar64,TYuchar64,TYshort32,TYushort32,
1008                      TYlong16,TYulong16,TYllong8,TYullong8,
1009                      TYfloat16,TYdouble8,
1010                     ];
1011 enum TXsimd       = [
1012                      TYfloat4,TYdouble2,
1013                      TYschar16,TYuchar16,TYshort8,TYushort8,
1014                      TYlong4,TYulong4,TYllong2,TYullong2,
1015                      TYfloat8,TYdouble4,
1016                      TYschar32,TYuchar32,TYshort16,TYushort16,
1017                      TYlong8,TYulong8,TYllong4,TYullong4,
1018                      TYschar64,TYuchar64,TYshort32,TYushort32,
1019                      TYlong16,TYulong16,TYllong8,TYullong8,
1020                      TYfloat16,TYdouble8,
1021                     ];