1 /**
2  * Allocate memory using `malloc` or the GC depending on the configuration.
3  *
4  * Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2020 by The D Language Foundation, All Rights Reserved
5  * Authors:   Walter Bright, http://www.digitalmars.com
6  * License:   $(LINK2 http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt, Boost License 1.0)
7  * Source:    $(LINK2 https://github.com/dlang/dmd/blob/master/src/dmd/root/rmem.d, root/_rmem.d)
8  * Documentation:  https://dlang.org/phobos/dmd_root_rmem.html
9  * Coverage:    https://codecov.io/gh/dlang/dmd/src/master/src/dmd/root/rmem.d
10  */
12 module dmd.root.rmem;
14 import core.exception : onOutOfMemoryError;
15 import core.stdc.stdio;
16 import core.stdc.stdlib;
17 import core.stdc.string;
19 version = GC;
21 version (GC)
22 {
23     import core.memory : GC;
25     enum isGCAvailable = true;
26 }
27 else
28     enum isGCAvailable = false;
30 extern (C++) struct Mem
31 {
32     static char* xstrdup(const(char)* s) nothrow
33     {
34         version (GC)
35             if (isGCEnabled)
36                 return s ? s[0 .. strlen(s) + 1].dup.ptr : null;
38         return s ? cast(char*)check(.strdup(s)) : null;
39     }
41     static void xfree(void* p) pure nothrow
42     {
43         version (GC)
44             if (isGCEnabled)
45                 return GC.free(p);
47         pureFree(p);
48     }
50     static void* xmalloc(size_t size) pure nothrow
51     {
52         version (GC)
53             if (isGCEnabled)
54                 return size ? GC.malloc(size) : null;
56         return size ? check(pureMalloc(size)) : null;
57     }
59     static void* xmalloc_noscan(size_t size) pure nothrow
60     {
61         version (GC)
62             if (isGCEnabled)
63                 return size ? GC.malloc(size, GC.BlkAttr.NO_SCAN) : null;
65         return size ? check(pureMalloc(size)) : null;
66     }
68     static void* xcalloc(size_t size, size_t n) pure nothrow
69     {
70         version (GC)
71             if (isGCEnabled)
72                 return size * n ? GC.calloc(size * n) : null;
74         return (size && n) ? check(pureCalloc(size, n)) : null;
75     }
77     static void* xcalloc_noscan(size_t size, size_t n) pure nothrow
78     {
79         version (GC)
80             if (isGCEnabled)
81                 return size * n ? GC.calloc(size * n, GC.BlkAttr.NO_SCAN) : null;
83         return (size && n) ? check(pureCalloc(size, n)) : null;
84     }
86     static void* xrealloc(void* p, size_t size) pure nothrow
87     {
88         version (GC)
89             if (isGCEnabled)
90                 return GC.realloc(p, size);
92         if (!size)
93         {
94             pureFree(p);
95             return null;
96         }
98         return check(pureRealloc(p, size));
99     }
101     static void* xrealloc_noscan(void* p, size_t size) pure nothrow
102     {
103         version (GC)
104             if (isGCEnabled)
105                 return GC.realloc(p, size, GC.BlkAttr.NO_SCAN);
107         if (!size)
108         {
109             pureFree(p);
110             return null;
111         }
113         return check(pureRealloc(p, size));
114     }
116     static void* error() pure nothrow @nogc
117     {
118         onOutOfMemoryError();
119         assert(0);
120     }
122     /**
123      * Check p for null. If it is, issue out of memory error
124      * and exit program.
125      * Params:
126      *  p = pointer to check for null
127      * Returns:
128      *  p if not null
129      */
130     static void* check(void* p) pure nothrow @nogc
131     {
132         return p ? p : error();
133     }
135     version (GC)
136     {
137         __gshared bool _isGCEnabled = true;
139         // fake purity by making global variable immutable (_isGCEnabled only modified before startup)
140         enum _pIsGCEnabled = cast(immutable bool*) &_isGCEnabled;
142         static bool isGCEnabled() pure nothrow @nogc @safe
143         {
144             return *_pIsGCEnabled;
145         }
147         static void disableGC() nothrow @nogc
148         {
149             _isGCEnabled = false;
150         }
152         static void addRange(const(void)* p, size_t size) nothrow @nogc
153         {
154             if (isGCEnabled)
155                 GC.addRange(p, size);
156         }
158         static void removeRange(const(void)* p) nothrow @nogc
159         {
160             if (isGCEnabled)
161                 GC.removeRange(p);
162         }
163     }
164 }
166 extern (C++) const __gshared Mem mem;
168 enum CHUNK_SIZE = (256 * 4096 - 64);
170 __gshared size_t heapleft = 0;
171 __gshared void* heapp;
173 extern (D) void* allocmemoryNoFree(size_t m_size) nothrow @nogc
174 {
175     // 16 byte alignment is better (and sometimes needed) for doubles
176     m_size = (m_size + 15) & ~15;
178     // The layout of the code is selected so the most common case is straight through
179     if (m_size <= heapleft)
180     {
181     L1:
182         heapleft -= m_size;
183         auto p = heapp;
184         heapp = cast(void*)(cast(char*)heapp + m_size);
185         return p;
186     }
188     if (m_size > CHUNK_SIZE)
189     {
190         return Mem.check(malloc(m_size));
191     }
193     heapleft = CHUNK_SIZE;
194     heapp = Mem.check(malloc(CHUNK_SIZE));
195     goto L1;
196 }
198 extern (D) void* allocmemory(size_t m_size) nothrow
199 {
200     version (GC)
201         if (mem.isGCEnabled)
202             return GC.malloc(m_size);
204     return allocmemoryNoFree(m_size);
205 }
207 version (DigitalMars)
208 {
209     enum OVERRIDE_MEMALLOC = true;
210 }
211 else version (LDC)
212 {
213     // Memory allocation functions gained weak linkage when the @weak attribute was introduced.
214     import ldc.attributes;
215     enum OVERRIDE_MEMALLOC = is(typeof(ldc.attributes.weak));
216 }
217 else version (GNU)
218 {
219     version (IN_GCC)
220         enum OVERRIDE_MEMALLOC = false;
221     else
222         enum OVERRIDE_MEMALLOC = true;
223 }
224 else
225 {
226     enum OVERRIDE_MEMALLOC = false;
227 }
229 static if (OVERRIDE_MEMALLOC)
230 {
231     // Override the host druntime allocation functions in order to use the bump-
232     // pointer allocation scheme (`allocmemoryNoFree()` above) if the GC is disabled.
233     // That scheme is faster and comes with less memory overhead than using a
234     // disabled GC alone.
236     extern (C) void* _d_allocmemory(size_t m_size) nothrow
237     {
238         return allocmemory(m_size);
239     }
241     version (GC)
242     {
243         private void* allocClass(const ClassInfo ci) nothrow pure
244         {
245             alias BlkAttr = GC.BlkAttr;
247             assert(!(ci.m_flags & TypeInfo_Class.ClassFlags.isCOMclass));
249             BlkAttr attr = BlkAttr.NONE;
250             if (ci.m_flags & TypeInfo_Class.ClassFlags.hasDtor
251                 && !(ci.m_flags & TypeInfo_Class.ClassFlags.isCPPclass))
252                 attr |= BlkAttr.FINALIZE;
253             if (ci.m_flags & TypeInfo_Class.ClassFlags.noPointers)
254                 attr |= BlkAttr.NO_SCAN;
255             return GC.malloc(ci.initializer.length, attr, ci);
256         }
258         extern (C) void* _d_newitemU(const TypeInfo ti) nothrow;
259     }
261     extern (C) Object _d_newclass(const ClassInfo ci) nothrow
262     {
263         const initializer = ci.initializer;
265         version (GC)
266             auto p = mem.isGCEnabled ? allocClass(ci) : allocmemoryNoFree(initializer.length);
267         else
268             auto p = allocmemoryNoFree(initializer.length);
270         memcpy(p, initializer.ptr, initializer.length);
271         return cast(Object) p;
272     }
274     version (LDC)
275     {
276         extern (C) Object _d_allocclass(const ClassInfo ci) nothrow
277         {
278             version (GC)
279                 if (mem.isGCEnabled)
280                     return cast(Object) allocClass(ci);
282             return cast(Object) allocmemoryNoFree(ci.initializer.length);
283         }
284     }
286     extern (C) void* _d_newitemT(TypeInfo ti) nothrow
287     {
288         version (GC)
289             auto p = mem.isGCEnabled ? _d_newitemU(ti) : allocmemoryNoFree(ti.tsize);
290         else
291             auto p = allocmemoryNoFree(ti.tsize);
293         memset(p, 0, ti.tsize);
294         return p;
295     }
297     extern (C) void* _d_newitemiT(TypeInfo ti) nothrow
298     {
299         version (GC)
300             auto p = mem.isGCEnabled ? _d_newitemU(ti) : allocmemoryNoFree(ti.tsize);
301         else
302             auto p = allocmemoryNoFree(ti.tsize);
304         const initializer = ti.initializer;
305         memcpy(p, initializer.ptr, initializer.length);
306         return p;
307     }
309     // TypeInfo.initializer for compilers older than 2.070
310     static if(!__traits(hasMember, TypeInfo, "initializer"))
311     private const(void[]) initializer(T : TypeInfo)(const T t)
312     nothrow pure @safe @nogc
313     {
314         return t.init;
315     }
316 }
318 extern (C) pure @nogc nothrow
319 {
320     /**
321      * Pure variants of C's memory allocation functions `malloc`, `calloc`, and
322      * `realloc` and deallocation function `free`.
323      *
324      * UNIX 98 requires that errno be set to ENOMEM upon failure.
325      * https://linux.die.net/man/3/malloc
326      * However, this is irrelevant for DMD's purposes, and best practice
327      * protocol for using errno is to treat it as an `out` parameter, and not
328      * something with state that can be relied on across function calls.
329      * So, we'll ignore it.
330      *
331      * See_Also:
332      *     $(LINK2 https://dlang.org/spec/function.html#pure-functions, D's rules for purity),
333      *     which allow for memory allocation under specific circumstances.
334      */
335     pragma(mangle, "malloc") void* pureMalloc(size_t size) @trusted;
337     /// ditto
338     pragma(mangle, "calloc") void* pureCalloc(size_t nmemb, size_t size) @trusted;
340     /// ditto
341     pragma(mangle, "realloc") void* pureRealloc(void* ptr, size_t size) @system;
343     /// ditto
344     pragma(mangle, "free") void pureFree(void* ptr) @system;
346 }
348 /**
349 Makes a null-terminated copy of the given string on newly allocated memory.
350 The null-terminator won't be part of the returned string slice. It will be
351 at position `n` where `n` is the length of the input string.
353 Params:
354     s = string to copy
356 Returns: A null-terminated copy of the input array.
357 */
358 extern (D) char[] xarraydup(const(char)[] s) pure nothrow
359 {
360     if (!s)
361         return null;
363     auto p = cast(char*)mem.xmalloc_noscan(s.length + 1);
364     char[] a = p[0 .. s.length];
365     a[] = s[0 .. s.length];
366     p[s.length] = 0;    // preserve 0 terminator semantics
367     return a;
368 }
370 ///
371 pure nothrow unittest
372 {
373     auto s1 = "foo";
374     auto s2 = s1.xarraydup;
375     s2[0] = 'b';
376     assert(s1 == "foo");
377     assert(s2 == "boo");
378     assert(*(s2.ptr + s2.length) == '\0');
379     string sEmpty;
380     assert(sEmpty.xarraydup is null);
381 }
383 /**
384 Makes a copy of the given array on newly allocated memory.
386 Params:
387     s = array to copy
389 Returns: A copy of the input array.
390 */
391 extern (D) T[] arraydup(T)(const scope T[] s) pure nothrow
392 {
393     if (!s)
394         return null;
396     const dim = s.length;
397     auto p = (cast(T*)mem.xmalloc(T.sizeof * dim))[0 .. dim];
398     p[] = s;
399     return p;
400 }
402 ///
403 pure nothrow unittest
404 {
405     auto s1 = [0, 1, 2];
406     auto s2 = s1.arraydup;
407     s2[0] = 4;
408     assert(s1 == [0, 1, 2]);
409     assert(s2 == [4, 1, 2]);
410     string sEmpty;
411     assert(sEmpty.arraydup is null);
412 }
414 // Define this to have Pool emit traces of objects allocated and disposed
415 //debug = Pool;
416 // Define this in addition to Pool to emit per-call traces (otherwise summaries are printed at the end).
417 //debug = PoolVerbose;
419 /**
420 Defines a pool for class objects. Objects can be fetched from the pool with make() and returned to the pool with
421 dispose(). Using a reference that has been dispose()d has undefined behavior. make() may return memory that has been
422 previously dispose()d.
424 Currently the pool has effect only if the GC is NOT used (i.e. either `version(GC)` or `mem.isGCEnabled` is false).
425 Otherwise `make` just forwards to `new` and `dispose` does nothing.
427 Internally the implementation uses a singly-linked freelist with a global root. The "next" pointer is stored in the
428 first word of each disposed object.
429 */
430 struct Pool(T)
431 if (is(T == class))
432 {
433     /// The freelist's root
434     private static T root;
436     private static void trace(string fun, string f, uint l)()
437     {
438         debug(Pool)
439         {
440             debug(PoolVerbose)
441             {
442                 fprintf(stderr, "%.*s(%u): bytes: %lu Pool!(%.*s)."~fun~"()\n",
443                     cast(int) f.length, f.ptr, l, T.classinfo.initializer.length,
444                     cast(int) T.stringof.length, T.stringof.ptr);
445             }
446             else
447             {
448                 static ulong calls;
449                 if (calls == 0)
450                 {
451                     // Plant summary printer
452                     static extern(C) void summarize()
453                     {
454                         fprintf(stderr, "%.*s(%u): bytes: %lu calls: %lu Pool!(%.*s)."~fun~"()\n",
455                             cast(int) f.length, f.ptr, l, ((T.classinfo.initializer.length + 15) & ~15) * calls,
456                             calls, cast(int) T.stringof.length, T.stringof.ptr);
457                     }
458                     atexit(&summarize);
459                 }
460                 ++calls;
461             }
462         }
463     }
465     /**
466     Returns a reference to a new object in the same state as if created with new T(args).
467     */
468     static T make(string f = __FILE__, uint l = __LINE__, A...)(auto ref A args)
469     {
470         if (!root)
471         {
472             trace!("makeNew", f, l)();
473             return new T(args);
474         }
475         else
476         {
477             trace!("makeReuse", f, l)();
478             auto result = root;
479             root = *(cast(T*) root);
480             memcpy(cast(void*) result, T.classinfo.initializer.ptr, T.classinfo.initializer.length);
481             result.__ctor(args);
482             return result;
483         }
484     }
486     /**
487     Signals to the pool that this object is no longer used, so it can recycle its memory.
488     */
489     static void dispose(string f = __FILE__, uint l = __LINE__, A...)(T goner)
490     {
491         version(GC)
492         {
493             if (mem.isGCEnabled) return;
494         }
495         trace!("dispose", f, l)();
496         debug
497         {
498             // Stomp the memory so as to maximize the chance of quick failure if used after dispose().
499             auto p = cast(ulong*) goner;
500             p[0 .. T.classinfo.initializer.length / ulong.sizeof] = 0xdeadbeef;
501         }
502         *(cast(T*) goner) = root;
503         root = goner;
504     }
505 }