- ty
TY ty;
Undocumented in source.
- mod
MOD mod;
Undocumented in source.
- deco
char* deco;
Undocumented in source.
- cto
Type cto;
Undocumented in source.
- ito
Type ito;
Undocumented in source.
- sto
Type sto;
Undocumented in source.
- scto
Type scto;
Undocumented in source.
- wto
Type wto;
Undocumented in source.
- wcto
Type wcto;
Undocumented in source.
- swto
Type swto;
Undocumented in source.
- swcto
Type swcto;
Undocumented in source.
- pto
Type pto;
Undocumented in source.
- rto
Type rto;
Undocumented in source.
- arrayof
Type arrayof;
Undocumented in source.
- vtinfo
TypeInfoDeclaration vtinfo;
Undocumented in source.
- ctype
type* ctype;
Undocumented in source.
- tvoid
Type tvoid;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- tint8
Type tint8;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- tuns8
Type tuns8;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- tint16
Type tint16;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- tuns16
Type tuns16;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- tint32
Type tint32;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- tuns32
Type tuns32;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- tint64
Type tint64;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- tuns64
Type tuns64;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- tint128
Type tint128;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- tuns128
Type tuns128;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- tfloat32
Type tfloat32;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- tfloat64
Type tfloat64;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- tfloat80
Type tfloat80;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- timaginary32
Type timaginary32;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- timaginary64
Type timaginary64;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- timaginary80
Type timaginary80;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- tcomplex32
Type tcomplex32;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- tcomplex64
Type tcomplex64;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- tcomplex80
Type tcomplex80;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- tbool
Type tbool;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- tchar
Type tchar;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- twchar
Type twchar;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- tdchar
Type tdchar;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- tshiftcnt
Type tshiftcnt;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- tvoidptr
Type tvoidptr;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- tstring
Type tstring;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- twstring
Type twstring;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- tdstring
Type tdstring;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- tvalist
Type tvalist;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- terror
Type terror;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- tnull
Type tnull;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- tsize_t
Type tsize_t;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- tptrdiff_t
Type tptrdiff_t;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- thash_t
Type thash_t;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- dtypeinfo
ClassDeclaration dtypeinfo;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- typeinfoclass
ClassDeclaration typeinfoclass;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- typeinfointerface
ClassDeclaration typeinfointerface;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- typeinfostruct
ClassDeclaration typeinfostruct;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- typeinfopointer
ClassDeclaration typeinfopointer;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- typeinfoarray
ClassDeclaration typeinfoarray;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- typeinfostaticarray
ClassDeclaration typeinfostaticarray;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- typeinfoassociativearray
ClassDeclaration typeinfoassociativearray;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- typeinfovector
ClassDeclaration typeinfovector;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- typeinfoenum
ClassDeclaration typeinfoenum;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- typeinfofunction
ClassDeclaration typeinfofunction;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- typeinfodelegate
ClassDeclaration typeinfodelegate;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- typeinfotypelist
ClassDeclaration typeinfotypelist;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- typeinfoconst
ClassDeclaration typeinfoconst;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- typeinfoinvariant
ClassDeclaration typeinfoinvariant;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- typeinfoshared
ClassDeclaration typeinfoshared;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- typeinfowild
ClassDeclaration typeinfowild;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- rtinfo
TemplateDeclaration rtinfo;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- basic
Type[TMAX] basic;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- stringtable
StringTable!Type stringtable;
Undocumented in source.
- kind
const(char)* kind()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- copy
Type copy()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- syntaxCopy
Type syntaxCopy()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- equals
bool equals(RootObject o)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- equivalent
bool equivalent(Type t)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- dyncast
DYNCAST dyncast()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- covariant
int covariant(Type t, StorageClass* pstc, bool fix17349)
Covariant means that 'this' can substitute for 't',
i.e. a pure function is a match for an impure type.
- toChars
const(char)* toChars()
- toPrettyChars
char* toPrettyChars(bool QualifyTypes)
For pretty-printing a type.
- _init
void _init()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- deinitialize
void deinitialize()
Deinitializes the global state of the compiler.
- size
d_uns64 size()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- size
d_uns64 size(Loc loc)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- alignsize
uint alignsize()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- trySemantic
Type trySemantic(Loc loc, Scope* sc)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- merge2
Type merge2()
This version does a merge even if the deco is already computed.
Necessary for types that have a deco, but are not merged.
- modToBuffer
void modToBuffer(OutBuffer* buf)
Store this type's modifier name into buf.
- modToChars
char* modToChars()
Return this type's modifier name.
- isintegral
bool isintegral()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- isfloating
bool isfloating()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- isreal
bool isreal()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- isimaginary
bool isimaginary()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- iscomplex
bool iscomplex()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- isscalar
bool isscalar()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- isunsigned
bool isunsigned()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- isscope
bool isscope()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- isString
bool isString()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- isAssignable
bool isAssignable()
When T is mutable,
T a, b;
Can we bitwise assign:
a = b;
- isBoolean
bool isBoolean()
Returns true if T can be converted to boolean value.
- checkDeprecated
void checkDeprecated(Loc loc, Scope* sc)
Check type to see if it is based on a deprecated symbol.
- isConst
bool isConst()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- isImmutable
bool isImmutable()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- isMutable
bool isMutable()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- isShared
bool isShared()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- isSharedConst
bool isSharedConst()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- isWild
bool isWild()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- isWildConst
bool isWildConst()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- isSharedWild
bool isSharedWild()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- isNaked
bool isNaked()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- nullAttributes
Type nullAttributes()
Return a copy of this type with all attributes null-initialized.
Useful for creating a type with different modifiers.
- constOf
Type constOf()
- immutableOf
Type immutableOf()
- mutableOf
Type mutableOf()
- sharedOf
Type sharedOf()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- sharedConstOf
Type sharedConstOf()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- unSharedOf
Type unSharedOf()
Make type unshared.
0 => 0
const => const
immutable => immutable
shared => 0
shared const => const
wild => wild
wild const => wild const
shared wild => wild
shared wild const => wild const
- wildOf
Type wildOf()
- wildConstOf
Type wildConstOf()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- sharedWildOf
Type sharedWildOf()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- sharedWildConstOf
Type sharedWildConstOf()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- fixTo
void fixTo(Type t)
For our new type 'this', which is type-constructed from t,
fill in the cto, ito, sto, scto, wto shortcuts.
- check
void check()
Look for bugs in constructing types.
- addSTC
Type addSTC(StorageClass stc)
Apply STCxxxx bits to existing type.
Use *before* semantic analysis is run.
- castMod
Type castMod(MOD mod)
Apply MODxxxx bits to existing type.
- addMod
Type addMod(MOD mod)
Add MODxxxx bits to existing type.
We're adding, not replacing, so adding const to
a shared type => "shared const"
- addStorageClass
Type addStorageClass(StorageClass stc)
Add storage class modifiers to type.
- pointerTo
Type pointerTo()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- referenceTo
Type referenceTo()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- arrayOf
Type arrayOf()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- sarrayOf
Type sarrayOf(dinteger_t dim)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- aliasthisOf
Type aliasthisOf()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- checkAliasThisRec
bool checkAliasThisRec()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- makeConst
Type makeConst()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- makeImmutable
Type makeImmutable()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- makeShared
Type makeShared()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- makeSharedConst
Type makeSharedConst()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- makeWild
Type makeWild()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- makeWildConst
Type makeWildConst()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- makeSharedWild
Type makeSharedWild()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- makeSharedWildConst
Type makeSharedWildConst()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- makeMutable
Type makeMutable()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- toDsymbol
Dsymbol toDsymbol(Scope* sc)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- toBasetype
Type toBasetype()
If this is a shell around another type,
get that other type.
- isBaseOf
bool isBaseOf(Type t, int* poffset)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- implicitConvTo
MATCH implicitConvTo(Type to)
Determine if 'this' can be implicitly converted
to type 'to'.
- constConv
MATCH constConv(Type to)
Determine if converting 'this' to 'to' is an identity operation,
a conversion to const operation, or the types aren't the same.
- deduceWild
MOD deduceWild(Type t, bool isRef)
Compute MOD bits matching this argument type to wild parameter type.
- substWildTo
Type substWildTo(uint mod)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- unqualify
Type unqualify(uint m)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- toHeadMutable
inout(Type) toHeadMutable()
Return type with the top level of it being mutable.
- isClassHandle
inout(ClassDeclaration) isClassHandle()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- alignment
structalign_t alignment()
Return alignment to use for this type.
- defaultInitLiteral
Expression defaultInitLiteral(Loc loc)
Use when we prefer the default initializer to be a literal,
rather than a global immutable variable.
- isZeroInit
bool isZeroInit(Loc loc)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- getTypeInfoIdent
Identifier getTypeInfoIdent()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- hasWild
int hasWild()
Return !=0 if the type or any of its subtypes is wild.
- hasPointers
bool hasPointers()
Return !=0 if type has pointers that need to
be scanned by the GC during a collection cycle.
- hasVoidInitPointers
bool hasVoidInitPointers()
Detect if type has pointer fields that are initialized to void.
Local stack variables with such void fields can remain uninitialized,
leading to pointer bugs.
- nextOf
Type nextOf()
If this is a type of something, return that something.
- baseElemOf
Type baseElemOf()
If this is a type of static array, return its base element type.
- numberOfElems
uint numberOfElems(Loc loc)
Compute number of elements for a (possibly multidimensional) static array,
or 1 for other types.
- sizemask
uinteger_t sizemask()
Return the mask that an integral type will
fit into.
- needsDestruction
bool needsDestruction()
true if when type goes out of scope, it needs a destructor applied.
Only applies to value types, not ref types.
- needsCopyOrPostblit
bool needsCopyOrPostblit()
true if when type is copied, it needs a copy constructor or postblit
applied. Only applies to value types, not ref types.
- needsNested
bool needsNested()
- checkComplexTransition
bool checkComplexTransition(Loc loc, Scope* sc)
- isTypeBasic
TypeBasic isTypeBasic()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- isTypeError
inout(TypeError) isTypeError()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- isTypeVector
inout(TypeVector) isTypeVector()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- isTypeSArray
inout(TypeSArray) isTypeSArray()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- isTypeDArray
inout(TypeDArray) isTypeDArray()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- isTypeAArray
inout(TypeAArray) isTypeAArray()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- isTypePointer
inout(TypePointer) isTypePointer()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- isTypeReference
inout(TypeReference) isTypeReference()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- isTypeFunction
inout(TypeFunction) isTypeFunction()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- isTypeDelegate
inout(TypeDelegate) isTypeDelegate()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- isTypeIdentifier
inout(TypeIdentifier) isTypeIdentifier()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- isTypeInstance
inout(TypeInstance) isTypeInstance()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- isTypeTypeof
inout(TypeTypeof) isTypeTypeof()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- isTypeReturn
inout(TypeReturn) isTypeReturn()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- isTypeStruct
inout(TypeStruct) isTypeStruct()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- isTypeEnum
inout(TypeEnum) isTypeEnum()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- isTypeClass
inout(TypeClass) isTypeClass()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- isTypeTuple
inout(TypeTuple) isTypeTuple()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- isTypeSlice
inout(TypeSlice) isTypeSlice()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- isTypeNull
inout(TypeNull) isTypeNull()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- isTypeMixin
inout(TypeMixin) isTypeMixin()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- isTypeTraits
inout(TypeTraits) isTypeTraits()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- accept
void accept(Visitor v)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- toTypeFunction
TypeFunction toTypeFunction()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
The basetype must be one of: byte[16],ubyte[16],short[8],ushort[8],int[4],uint[4],long[2],ulong[2],float[4],double[2] For AVX: byte[32],ubyte[32],short[16],ushort[16],int[8],uint[8],long[4],ulong[4],float[8],double[4]