
Top level code for the code generator.



alias _compare_fp_t = int function(const void*, const void*)
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targ_size_t alignsection(targ_size_t base, uint alignment, int bias)

Align sections on the stack. base negative offset of section from frame pointer alignment alignment to use bias difference between where frame pointer points and the STACKALIGNed part of the stack

reg_t allocScratchReg(CodeBuilder cdb, regm_t regm)

Allocate a scratch register.

void allocreg(CodeBuilder cdb, regm_t* pretregs, reg_t* preg, tym_t tym)

Allocate some registers. Input: pretregs Pointer to mask of registers to make selection from. tym Mask of type we will store in registers. Output: *pretregs Mask of allocated registers. *preg Register number of first allocated register. msavereg,mfuncreg retregs bits are cleared. regcon.cse.mval,regcon.cse.mops updated

void allocreg(CodeBuilder cdb, regm_t* pretregs, reg_t* preg, tym_t tym, int line, const(char)* file)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
void andregcon(con_t* pregconsave)

For elems in regcon that don't match regconsave, clear the corresponding bit in regcon.cse.mval. Do same for regcon.immed.

int autosort_cmp(void* ps1, void* ps2)

Predicate for sorting auto symbols for qsort().

void callcdxxx(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs, OPER op)

Generate code sequence for an elem. Input: pretregs = mask of possible registers to return result in Note: longs are in AX,BX or CX,DX or SI,DI doubles are AX,BX,CX,DX only constflag = 1 for user of result will not modify the registers returned in *pretregs. 2 for freenode() not called. Output: *pretregs mask of registers result is returned in

void codelem(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs, uint constflag)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
void codgen(Symbol* sfunc)

Generate code for a function. Note at the end of this routine mfuncreg will contain the mask of registers not affected by the function. Some minor optimization possibilities are here.

void cse_flush(CodeBuilder cdb, int do87)

Flush all CSE's out of registers and into memory. Input: do87 !=0 means save 87 registers too

bool cssave(elem* e, regm_t regm, uint opsflag)

Common subexpressions exist in registers. Note this in regcon.cse.mval. Input: e the subexpression regm mask of registers holding it opsflag if != 0 then regcon.cse.mops gets set too

void docommas(CodeBuilder cdb, elem** pe)

Scan down comma-expressions. Output: *pe = first elem down right side that is not an OPcomma

void dwarf_except_gentables(Funcsym* sfunc, uint startoffset, uint retoffset)
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bool evalinregister(elem* e)

Determine if a computation should be done into a register.

reg_t findreg(regm_t regm)

Given a register mask, find and return the number of the first register that fits.

reg_t findreg(regm_t regm, int line, const(char)* file)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
void freenode(elem* e)

Free element (but not it's leaves! (assume they are already freed)) Don't decrement Ecount! This is so we can detect if the common subexp has already been evaluated. If common subexpression is not required anymore, eliminate references to it.

void getregs(CodeBuilder cdb, regm_t r)

We are going to use the registers in mask r. Generate any code necessary to save any regs.

void getregsNoSave(regm_t r)

We are going to use the registers in mask r. Same as getregs(), but assert if code is needed to be generated.

void getregs_imm(CodeBuilder cdb, regm_t r)

Getregs without marking immediate register values as gone.

regm_t getscratch()

Return mask of scratch registers.

int isregvar(elem* e, regm_t* pregm, reg_t* preg)

Determine if elem e is a register variable. If so: *pregm = mask of registers that make up the variable *preg = the least significant register returns true Else returns false

regm_t lpadregs()

Determine registers that should be destroyed upon arrival to code entry point for exception handling.

int numbitsset(regm_t regm)

Count the number of bits set in a register mask.

void prolog(CodeBuilder cdb)

Generate code for a function start. Input: Offset(cseg) address of start of code Auto.alignment Output: Offset(cseg) adjusted for size of code generated EBPtoESP hasframe BPoff

void qsort(void* base, size_t nmemb, size_t size, _compare_fp_t compar)
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const(char)* regm_str(regm_t rm)

Turn register mask into a string suitable for printing.

void scodelem(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs, regm_t keepmsk, bool constflag)

Same as codelem(), but do not destroy the registers in keepmsk. Use scratch registers as much as possible, then use stack. Input: constflag true if user of result will not modify the registers returned in *pretregs.

void stackoffsets(int flags)

Compute offsets for remaining tmp, automatic and register variables that did not make it into registers. Input: flags 0: do estimate only 1: final

void useregs(regm_t regm)

Mark registers as used.

Manifest constants

enum MARS;
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enum MARS;
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Static variables

regm_t ALLREGS;
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LocalSection Alloca;
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LocalSection Auto;
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int BPoff;
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regm_t BYTEREGS;
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targ_size_t CSoff;
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int EBPtoESP;
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LocalSection EEStack;
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LocalSection Fast;
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targ_size_t Foff;
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targ_size_t NDPoff;
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LocalSection Para;
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regm_t allregs;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
bool anyiasm;
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bool calledFinally;
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char calledafunc;
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CGstate cgstate;
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int dfoidx;
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bool enforcealign;
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bool floatreg;
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targ_size_t funcoffset;
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char gotref;
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int hasframe;
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regm_t mfuncreg;
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regm_t msavereg;

Register masks.

char needframe;
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int pass;
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targ_size_t prolog_allocoffset;
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targ_size_t pushoff;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
bool pushoffuse;
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int reflocal;
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int refparam;
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con_t regcon;
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REGSAVE regsave;
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targ_size_t retoffset;
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targ_size_t retsize;
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targ_size_t spoff;
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int stackchanged;
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uint stackpush;
of bytes that SP is beyond BP.
targ_size_t startoffset;
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uint usednteh;
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