- addtofixlist
size_t addtofixlist(Symbol* s, targ_size_t offset, int seg, targ_size_t val, int flags)
- cat
code* cat(code* c1, code* c2)
Concatenate two code lists together. Return pointer to result.
- cgen_prelinnum
void cgen_prelinnum(code** pc, Srcpos srcpos)
Prepend line number to existing code.
- code_last
code* code_last(code* c)
- code_orflag
void code_orflag(code* c, uint flag)
Set flag bits on last code in list.
- code_orrex
void code_orrex(code* c, uint rex)
Set rex bits on last code in list.
- dt_get_nzeros
dt_t* dt_get_nzeros(uint n)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- gen
code* gen(code* c, code* cs)
Add code to end of linked list.
Note that unused operands are garbage.
gen1() and gen2() are shortcut routines.
c -> linked list that code is to be added to end of
cs -> data for the code
- gen1
code* gen1(code* c, opcode_t op)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- gen2
code* gen2(code* c, opcode_t op, uint rm)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- gen2sib
code* gen2sib(code* c, opcode_t op, uint rm, uint sib)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- genadjfpu
code* genadjfpu(code* c, int offset)
Generate 'instruction' which tells the scheduler that the fpu stack has
- genc
code* genc(code* c, opcode_t op, uint ea, uint FL1, targ_size_t EV1, uint FL2, targ_size_t EV2)
- genc2
code* genc2(code* c, opcode_t op, uint ea, targ_size_t EV2)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- gencodelem
void gencodelem(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs, bool constflag)
Clean stack after call to codelem().
- genlinnum
code* genlinnum(code* c, Srcpos srcpos)
Generate 'instruction' which is actually a line number.
- gennop
code* gennop(code* c)
- outfixlist
void outfixlist()
End of module. Output fixups as references
to external Symbols.
- reghasvalue
bool reghasvalue(regm_t regm, targ_size_t value, reg_t* preg)
Determine if one of the registers in regm has value in it.
If so, return !=0 and set *preg to which register it is.
- regwithvalue
void regwithvalue(CodeBuilder cdb, regm_t regm, targ_size_t value, reg_t* preg, regm_t flags)
Load a register from the mask regm with value.
*preg the register selected
- searchfixlist
void searchfixlist(Symbol* s)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
Generate code instructions