
Compiler implementation of the D programming language.



alias IDXSEC = uint
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
alias IDXSTR = uint
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
alias IDXSYM = uint
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
alias segidx_t = int
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.


anonymousenum NTEH_try
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
anonymousenum PASSinitial
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.


targ_size_t CDoffset()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
targ_size_t Doffset()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
int FuncParamRegs_alloc(FuncParamRegs fpr, type* t, tym_t ty, reg_t* preg1, reg_t* preg2)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
FuncParamRegs FuncParamRegs_create(tym_t tyf)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
targ_size_t Offset(int seg)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
void REGSAVE_restore(REGSAVE regsave, CodeBuilder cdb, reg_t reg, uint idx)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void REGSAVE_save(REGSAVE regsave, CodeBuilder cdb, reg_t reg, uint idx)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void WRcodlst(code* c)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
size_t addtofixlist(Symbol* s, targ_size_t soffset, int seg, targ_size_t val, int flags)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
reg_t allocScratchReg(CodeBuilder cdb, regm_t regm)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void allocreg(CodeBuilder cdb, regm_t* pretregs, reg_t* preg, tym_t tym)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void allocreg(CodeBuilder cdb, regm_t* pretregs, reg_t* preg, tym_t tym, int line, const(char)* file)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
regm_t allocretregs(tym_t ty, type* t, tym_t tyf, reg_t* reg1, reg_t* reg2)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void andregcon(con_t* pregconsave)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void argtypes(type* t, type* arg1type, type* arg2type)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void assignaddr(block* bl)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void assignaddrc(code* c)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
int branch(block* bl, int flag)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void buildEA(code* c, int base, int index, int scale, targ_size_t disp)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
uint buildModregrm(int mod, int reg, int rm)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
uint calcblksize(code* c)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
uint calccodsize(code* c)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void callclib(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, uint clib, regm_t* pretregs, regm_t keepmask)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
code* cat(code* c1, code* c2)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cdabs(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cdaddass(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cdasm(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cdbscan(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cdbswap(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cdbt(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cdbtst(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cdbyteint(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cdcmp(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cdcmpxchg(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cdcnvt(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cdcom(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cdcomma(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cdcond(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cdconvt87(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cdctor(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cdd_u32(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cdd_u64(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cddctor(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cdddtor(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cddiv(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cddivass(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cddtor(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cdeq(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cderr(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cdfar16(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cdframeptr(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cdfunc(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cdgot(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cdhalt(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cdind(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cdind87(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cdinfo(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cdlngsht(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cdloglog(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cdmark(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cdmemcmp(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cdmemcpy(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cdmemset(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cdmsw(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cdmul(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cdmulass(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cdneg(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cdnegass87(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cdnot(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cdorth(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cdpair(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cdpopcnt(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cdport(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cdpost(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cdprefetch(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cdrelconst(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cdrndtol(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cdscale(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cdsetjmp(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cdshass(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cdshift(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cdshtlng(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cdstrcmp(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cdstrcpy(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cdstreq(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cdstrlen(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cdstrthis(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cdtoprec(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cdvecfill(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cdvecsto(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cdvector(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cdvoid(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cgen_prelinnum(code** pc, Srcpos srcpos)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
int cgreg_assign(Symbol* retsym)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cgreg_dst_regs(reg_t* dst_integer_reg, reg_t* dst_float_reg)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cgreg_init()
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cgreg_reset()
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cgreg_set_priorities(tym_t ty, const(reg_t)** pseq, const(reg_t)** pseqmsw)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cgreg_spillreg_epilog(block* b, Symbol* s, CodeBuilder cdbstore, CodeBuilder cdbload)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cgreg_spillreg_prolog(block* b, Symbol* s, CodeBuilder cdbstore, CodeBuilder cdbload)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cgreg_term()
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cgreg_unregister(regm_t conflict)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cgreg_used(uint bi, regm_t used)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cgsched_block(block* b)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void checkSetVex(code* c, tym_t ty)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void checkSetVex3(code* c)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cload87(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cloadxmm(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
int cmporder87(elem* e)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cnvt87(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
int cod3_EA(code* c)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cod3_adjSymOffsets()
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cod3_align(int seg)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cod3_align_bytes(int seg, size_t nbytes)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
targ_size_t cod3_bpoffset(Symbol* s)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cod3_buildmodulector(Outbuffer* buf, int codeOffset, int refOffset)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cod3_initregs()
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cod3_ptrchk(CodeBuilder cdb, code* pcs, regm_t keepmsk)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cod3_set32()
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cod3_set64()
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cod3_setdefault()
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
targ_size_t cod3_spoff()
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cod3_stackadj(CodeBuilder cdb, int nbytes)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cod3_stackalign(CodeBuilder cdb, int nbytes)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
regm_t cod3_useBP()
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cod5_noprol()
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cod5_prol_epi()
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
code* code_calloc()

PUBLIC FUNCTIONS ******************

code* code_chunk_alloc()
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void code_dehydrate(code** pc)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void code_free(code* )
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void code_hydrate(code** pc)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
code* code_last(code* c)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
code* code_malloc()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
int code_match(code* c1, code* c2)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
code* code_next(code* c)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
void code_orflag(code* c, uint flag)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void code_orrex(code* c, uint rex)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void code_term()
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void codelem(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs, uint constflag)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void codgen(Symbol* )
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
uint codout(int seg, code* c)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void complex_eq87(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void comsub87(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void cse_flush(CodeBuilder , int )
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
bool cse_simple(code* c, elem* e)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
bool cssave(elem* e, regm_t regm, uint opsflag)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void docommas(CodeBuilder cdb, elem** pe)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
int doinreg(Symbol* s, elem* e)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void epilog(block* b)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void eq87(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
bool evalinregister(elem* e)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
reg_t findreg(regm_t regm, int line, const(char)* file)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
reg_t findreg(regm_t regm, int line, string file)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
reg_t findreg(regm_t regm)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
reg_t findreglsw(uint regm)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
reg_t findregmsw(uint regm)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
void fixresult(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t retregs, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void fixresult87(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t retregs, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void fixresult_complex87(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t retregs, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void fltregs(CodeBuilder cdb, code* pcs, tym_t tym)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void fltused()
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void freenode(elem* e)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
code* gen(code* c, code* cs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
code* gen1(code* c, opcode_t op)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
code* gen2(code* c, opcode_t op, uint rm)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
code* gen2sib(code* c, opcode_t op, uint rm, uint sib)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void genEEcode()
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void gen_loadcse(CodeBuilder cdb, tym_t tym, reg_t reg, size_t slot)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void gen_spill_reg(CodeBuilder cdb, Symbol* s, bool toreg)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void gen_storecse(CodeBuilder cdb, tym_t tym, reg_t reg, size_t slot)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void gen_testcse(CodeBuilder cdb, tym_t tym, uint sz, size_t i)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
code* genc(code* c, opcode_t op, uint rm, uint FL1, targ_size_t EV1, uint FL2, targ_size_t EV2)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
code* genc2(code* c, opcode_t op, uint rm, targ_size_t EV2)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void gencodelem(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs, bool constflag)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void genfwait(CodeBuilder cdb)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void genjmp(CodeBuilder cdb, opcode_t op, uint fltarg, block* targ)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
code* genlinnum(code* , Srcpos )
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
code* genmovreg(uint to, uint from)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void genmovreg(CodeBuilder cdb, uint to, uint from)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void genmovreg(CodeBuilder cdb, uint to, uint from, tym_t tym)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void genmulimm(CodeBuilder cdb, uint r1, uint r2, targ_int imm)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
code* gennop(code* )
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void genpop(CodeBuilder cdb, reg_t reg)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void genpush(CodeBuilder cdb, reg_t reg)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void genregs(CodeBuilder cdb, opcode_t op, uint dstreg, uint srcreg)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
uint gensaverestore(regm_t , CodeBuilder cdbsave, CodeBuilder cdbrestore)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void gensaverestore87(regm_t , CodeBuilder cdbsave, CodeBuilder cdbrestore)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void genshift(CodeBuilder cdb)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void genstackclean(CodeBuilder cdb, uint numpara, regm_t keepmsk)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void gentstreg(CodeBuilder cdb, uint reg)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
uint getaddrmode(regm_t idxregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void getoffset(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, reg_t reg)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void getregs(CodeBuilder cdb, regm_t r)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void getregsNoSave(regm_t r)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void getregs_imm(CodeBuilder cdb, regm_t r)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
regm_t getscratch()
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
regm_t iasm_regs(block* bp)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
regm_t idxregm(code* c)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
bool isXMMstore(opcode_t op)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
int isregvar(elem* e, regm_t* pregm, reg_t* preg)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
int isscaledindex(elem* )
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void jmpaddr(code* c)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
int jmpopcode(elem* e)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void load87(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, uint eoffset, regm_t* pretregs, elem* eleft, int op)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void loadPair87(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void load_localgot(CodeBuilder cdb)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void loaddata(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void logexp(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, int jcond, uint fltarg, code* targ)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void longcmp(CodeBuilder , elem* , bool , uint , code* )
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
regm_t lpadregs()
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void makeitextern(Symbol* s)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void modEA(CodeBuilder cdb, code* c)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
bool movOnly(elem* e)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void movregconst(CodeBuilder cdb, reg_t reg, targ_size_t value, regm_t flags)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void neg87(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void neg_complex87(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void note87(elem* e, uint offset, int i)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void nteh_epilog(CodeBuilder cdb)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void nteh_filltables()
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void nteh_filter(CodeBuilder cdb, block* b)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void nteh_framehandler(Symbol* , Symbol* )
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void nteh_gensindex(CodeBuilder , int )
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void nteh_gentables(Symbol* sfunc)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void nteh_monitor_epilog(CodeBuilder cdb, regm_t retregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void nteh_monitor_prolog(CodeBuilder cdb, Symbol* shandle)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
code* nteh_patchindex(code* c, int index)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void nteh_prolog(CodeBuilder cdb)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void nteh_setsp(CodeBuilder cdb, opcode_t op)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void nteh_unwind(CodeBuilder cdb, regm_t retregs, uint index)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void nteh_usevars()
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
int numbitsset(regm_t )
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void offsetinreg(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void opass87(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void opdouble(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs, uint clib)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void orth87(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void orthxmm(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void outblkexitcode(CodeBuilder cdb, block* bl, int anyspill, const(char)* sflsave, Symbol** retsym, regm_t mfuncregsave)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void outfixlist()
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void outjmptab(block* b)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void outswitab(block* b)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void pinholeopt(code* c, block* bn)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void pop87(int , const(char)* )
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void pop87()
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void post87(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void prolog(CodeBuilder cdb)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void prolog_16bit_windows_farfunc(CodeBuilder cdb, tym_t* tyf, bool* pushds)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void prolog_frame(CodeBuilder cdb, bool farfunc, uint xlocalsize, bool enter, int cfa_offset)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void prolog_frameadj(CodeBuilder cdb, tym_t tyf, uint xlocalsize, bool enter, bool* pushalloc)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void prolog_frameadj2(CodeBuilder cdb, tym_t tyf, uint xlocalsize, bool* pushalloc)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void prolog_gen_win64_varargs(CodeBuilder cdb)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void prolog_genvarargs(CodeBuilder cdb, Symbol* sv, regm_t namedargs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void prolog_ifunc(CodeBuilder cdb, tym_t* tyf)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void prolog_ifunc2(CodeBuilder cdb, tym_t tyf, tym_t tym, bool pushds)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void prolog_loadparams(CodeBuilder cdb, tym_t tyf, bool pushalloc, regm_t namedargs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void prolog_saveregs(CodeBuilder cdb, regm_t topush, int cfa_offset)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void prolog_setupalloca(CodeBuilder cdb)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void prolog_stackalign(CodeBuilder cdb)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void prolog_trace(CodeBuilder cdb, bool farfunc, uint* regsaved)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void push87(CodeBuilder cdb)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void pushParams(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* , uint , tym_t tyf)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
bool regParamInPreg(Symbol* s)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
bool reghasvalue(regm_t regm, targ_size_t value, reg_t* preg)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void regimmed_set(int reg, targ_size_t e)

Set value in regimmed for reg. NOTE: For 16 bit generator, this is always a (targ_short) sign-extended value.

const(char)* regm_str(regm_t rm)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
regm_t regmask(tym_t tym, tym_t tyf)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void regwithvalue(CodeBuilder cdb, regm_t regm, targ_size_t value, reg_t* preg, regm_t flags)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void save87(CodeBuilder cdb)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void save87regs(CodeBuilder cdb, uint n)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void scodelem(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs, regm_t keepmsk, bool constflag)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void searchfixlist(Symbol* s)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
int seg_data_isCode(seg_data sd)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
code* setOpcode(code* c, code* cs, opcode_t op)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void setaddrmode(code* c, regm_t idxregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void simplify_code(code* c)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
int ssindex(int op, targ_uns product)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void stackoffsets(int )
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void tstresult(CodeBuilder cdb, regm_t regm, tym_t tym, uint saveflag)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void useregs(regm_t regm)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
bool xmmIsAligned(elem* e)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void xmmabs(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void xmmcnvt(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void xmmeq(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, opcode_t op, elem* e1, elem* e2, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
uint xmmload(tym_t tym, bool aligned)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void xmmneg(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void xmmopass(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void xmmpost(CodeBuilder cdb, elem* e, regm_t* pretregs)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
uint xmmstore(tym_t tym, bool aligned)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.

Manifest constants

Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.

Static variables

LocalSection Alloca;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
LocalSection Auto;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
int BPRM;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
int BPoff;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
targ_size_t CSoff;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
int EBPtoESP;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
LocalSection EEStack;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
regm_t FLOATREGS2;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
LocalSection Fast;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
targ_size_t Foff;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
targ_size_t NDPoff;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
LocalSection Para;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
Rarray!(seg_data*) SegData;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
regm_t allregs;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
bool anyiasm;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
bool calledFinally;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
char calledafunc;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
int cdcmp_flag;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
int clib_inited;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
code* code_list;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
segidx_t cseg;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
reg_t[4] dblreg;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
int dfoidx;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
bool enforcealign;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
bool floatreg;
targ_size_t framehandleroffset;
targ_size_t funcoffset;
char gotref;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
int hasframe;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
targ_size_t localsize;
regm_t mfuncreg;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
regm_t msavereg;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
char needframe;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
int pass;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
targ_size_t prolog_allocoffset;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
targ_size_t pushoff;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
bool pushoffuse;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
int reflocal;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
int refparam;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
con_t regcon;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
REGSAVE regsave;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
targ_size_t retoffset;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
targ_size_t retsize;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
targ_size_t spoff;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
int stackchanged;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
uint stackpush;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
targ_size_t startoffset;
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
uint usednteh;

As we generate code, collect information about what parts of NT exception handling we need.


struct CGstate

Code Generator State **************

struct FuncParamRegs
struct LinOff
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
struct LocalSection

Local sections on the stack

struct REGSAVE

Register save state.

struct _Declaration

Code data type

struct _LabelDsymbol
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
struct linnum_data
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
struct seg_data
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.


union evc
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
